Requirements for SAAB 2022:
The SAAB 2022 conference will take place virtually on the REMO platform.
Please ensure that you have following in order to partake in the conference:
- A laptop/computer equipped with a microphone and camera.
- A stable internet connection. Daily proceedings will last up until 8 hours, please ensure that your connection will not be interrupted in this time. If your internet connection drops, you will automatically exit the conference room and will have to re-enter.
Chrome web browser Version 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit).
About the REMO Platform:
REMO is a virtual conference room that offers delegates the opportunity to interact with one another through face-to-face networking.
When entering the conference room, you will be placed at a virtual table. You can move from table to table if you wish.
When seated at a specific table, all the delegates at your table will be visible to you via their cameras. Here you can talk and network with one another. Other tables will not be able to hear your conversation.
Announcements will be posted to let you know when the next presentation will take place. 30 seconds before each presentation, a countdown will appear on your screen in order to allow you to finish up your table’s conversation. Once the presentation starts, everyone’s cameras and mics will be turned off and your screen will show only the virtual stage.
The virtual stage will show the presenter and their PowerPoint. There will be a chat section in which you can post your questions/comments during the presentation. Thereafter, the presenter will answer these questions.
After each presentation, the virtual stage will close, and you will be placed back at your table where you can once again network with fellow delegates.
Each day will be recorded, and the recording made available to delegates.
During the proceedings, REMO consultants and the LOC members will be available to assist you with any technical difficulties.
For your convenience, REMO has put together a user manual. Click here to access this manual.
Should you require further assistance to access the platform, please make use of the delegate support email: