Welcome first years of 2021 – A letter from you 2020/2021 ASA Chairperson
Dear student, Firstly, I would like to say congratulations on being part of the elite group chosen to be part of our faculty and well done on conquering matric. You are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery in the next 3-4 years. I am pretty sure you are all looking forward to your first year as an NWU student. Things may get a bit overwhelming during this time but remember that there is always someone willing to help. You will not have to go through anything alone. University is a big milestone in your life which comes with a lot of responsibilities and I trust that you are all capable of making the right decisions in any situation that you are faced with. We as the Ad Vivendum ASA are some of the people that will make sure that your transition to university from high school is a bit easy. We are here to make your student life exciting and vibrant as we will be the link between you as the students and the faculty. We are an academic association, and we are here to assist you on all your academic concerns. I hope that this year will be exciting for you and that while prioritizing your academics you will still be able to socialize and take part in the activities and events that the faculty and the SCC will be hosting. Remember to take advantage of all the services available to help you archive your full potential. I wish you the best of luck with your academic journey. Sincerely Lucia Mhlanga Ad Vivendum chairperson |
Live session with Ad Vivendum (12 March, 10 AM).
R&O by Ad Vivendum - This is one pre-recorded video that includes all of the following:
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The duty of the chairperson is to oversee all of the portfolios in the ASA and take responsibilities for all of the members. This is to ensure that the committee members fulfill their duties. It is to be the support system for them and for that to be archived the goals for the term should be set clear from the beginning so that we flow through the term easily. This is also ensured by the chairperson scheduling meetings with the committee regularly. The chairperson is also responsible communicating information from the SCC and the faculty. In other words, the chairperson is the link between the SCC and the students as well as the faculty and the students. The chairperson is also responsible for order in the committee.
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The vice chairperson serves as the right hand to the chairperson, in layman’s terms the vice chairperson is second in command. When the chairperson is unable to perform her duties it automatically becomes the vice chairperson’s responsibility. I am responsible for the internal discipline of the ASA committee and the overall wellbeing of the committee thus the vice chairperson always remains impartial. I am also responsible for the election of a subcommittee for the ASA to help throughout the term. I need to ensure that each ASA member does their duties, and that the ASA runs like a well-oiled ship.
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This portfolio basically focuses on you, first years. I will be ensuring that you get well orientated to the campus and your academics. I also deal with recruitment for our sub-committee and prospective students for our faculty. The sporting activities that occur are also over-looked by me.
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With my portfolio, I manage the funds of my ASA. I am responsible for all the transactions and financial decision making. I have the final say in every decision that the ASA makes where money is involved.
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I am here to spread news about academics and social events that both NWU and Ad Vivendum hosts. We are here to keep you informed and interact with you as much we possibly can.
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I choose class representatives and train them. I have meetings with class representatives, and they communicate with me about any problems they face. I am the link between students and lecturers. I can also arrange aksies to do with academics.
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AKSA also known as current affairs, is a portfolio that deals with exactly that, affairs that are currently affecting the world around us. We aim to inform and educate people about different issues ranging from cultural diversity to health issues such as HIV/AIDS or COVID-19. Although AKSA deals with many serious issues we do try to have fun and with it, AKSA is a lot of fun and you get to learn things along the way. Social is the portfolio that organizes all the social events hosted by Ad Vivendum. Some events include the formal and informal dine where ASA members dress up fancy and enjoy a night of fine dining. We also organize other social events such as mixers and simple get-togethers.
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This is a portfolio that supports the geology society of the NWU. It is our duty to promote Geology and organise events relative to geology for students to ensure a vibrant student life.
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My portfolio is publication and archives. I make agendas and take minutes of every meeting that the Ad Vivendum holds and I save the documents for the archives. The archive is a collection of historical documents providing information about Ad Vivendum. I help my fellow members by keeping them informed on the events that other members are planning through the minutes. I also help by making sure everything throughout the year is in the archives for future Ad vivendum members to see.
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SRCS stands for Student Rag Community Service. This is like a community outreach. We annually have two big events, barefoot day and canned food day. On barefoot day we collect unwanted clothing and give it to the less fortunate. Then on canned food day we collect non-perishable foods for charity.
Ad Vivendum is an Academic Student Association (ASA) representing the common interest of undergraduate students in the faculty of Natural Sciences and agricultural sciences. Ad Vivendum is made up of ten accountable, transparent and inspired students who are determined to make sure that your experience of the faculty is enriching to your academic and social wellbeing. We form part of the SCC: academic council. We have integrity, unity and fairness. We aspire to lead by example in the advancement of transformation, diversity and multiculturalism.What we basically do as an ASA is to organise, facilitate and support the academic functions for students.
Ad Vivendum R&O programme
Ad Videndum Committee Members
- Name: Lucia Mhlanga
- E-mail: fmhlanga.lucia04@yahoo.com
- Cell: 0833184313
- Name: Bianca Laastele
- E-mail: blaastele@gmail.com
- Cell: 0662151552
This ASA member oversees everything involving the image of the ASA. I need to ensure with the help of the chairperson that all the ASA members receive their NWU blazers as well as their badges. I am also responsible for any faculty clothing that the ASA wants to design for students to buy. I inform the ASA on what to wear and when to wear certain clothing so that the ASA always looks united.
- Name: Gaolefufa Mongwenyane
- E-mail: fufamongwenyane@gmail.com
- Cell: 0633866603
- Name: Kimera Govender
- E-mail: kimeragovender100@gmail.com
- Cell: 0716834696
- Name: Krupa Daya
- E-mail: krupadaya17@gmail.com
- Cell: 0735581342
- Name: Antje-Marise Lombard
- E-mail: mariselombardvevo@gmail.com
- Cell: 0731444008
- Name: Derek Esterhuizen
- E-mail: derekesterhuizen2019@outlook.com
- Cell: 0784187043
- Name: David van Niekerk
- E-mail: david01johannes@gmail.com
- Cell: 0796873913
- Name: Zeldene Roux
- E-mail: zroux02@gmail.com
- Cell: 0605723918
- Name: Deonne van der Merwe
- E-mail: deonnevandermerwe@gmail.com
- Cell: 0828996643
What we do