Welcome first years of 2021 – A letter from you 2020/2021 ASA Chairperson
Dear first yeras Welcome to Scientiae and the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Scientiae is an Academic Student Association (ASA) here to support your development of academic and social skills that you are going to need for your future. We can help you with any inquiries you may have about your academics. We are here to make your transition to the University as smooth as possible. This year a lot of things are new and although this sounds a bit scary, we can assure you that we are here to help guide you through these uncertain times. I hope you are excited to start your University experience. You are finally taking charge of your future, but remember, it also comes with responsibilities! How great your year is, will depend on how great you make it. If the academics get difficult and you feel like you are struggling or it is overwhelming you, take a deep breath and start again. This year did not start as we had hoped it would and we honestly do not know what this year holds for us, but together we can make a difference. I sincerely hope you will still enjoy your studies even if it is online. Good luck with this year. Michelle Grunenberg (Chairperson 2020/2021) |
Beste eertejaars Welkom by Scientiae en die Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe. Scientiae is 'n Akademiese Studentevereniging (ASV) hier om jou ontwikkeling van akademiese en sosiale vaardighede wat jy vir jou toekoms gaan nodig hê, te ondersteun. Ons kan u help met enige navrae wat u oor u akademie mag hê. Ons is hier om u oorgang na die Universiteit so glad as moontlik te maak. Vanjaar is baie dinge nuut en hoewel dit 'n bietjie skrikwekkend klink, kan ons jou verseker dat ons hier is om jou te help lei deur hierdie onsekere tye. Ek hoop jy is opgewonde om jou Universiteitservaring te begin. Jy neem uiteindelik beheer van jou toekoms, maar onthou, dit kom ook met verantwoordelikhede! Hoe goed jou jaar is, sal afhang van hoe goed jy dit maak. As die akademie moeilik raak en jy voel asof jy sukkel of dit oorweldig jou, haal diep asem en begin net weer. Hierdie jaar het nie begin soos ons gehoop het dit sou nie en ons weet eerlikwaar nie wat vanjaar vir ons inhou nie, maar saam kan ons 'n verskil maak. Ek hoop opreg jy sal steeds jou studies geniet, selfs al is dit aanlyn. Sterkte met hierdie jaar. Michelle Grunenberg (Voorsitter 2020/2021) |
Scientiae has put together a pre-recorded prgramme. Please click on the name of the activity to access it.
There is also a live session on 12 March 2021 at 08:00 - 12:00 that you can attend. To attend this session, click on any of the following Zoom links (both links will host the same session. If one link is full, please use the next):
Name and Surname
Michelle Grunenberg
Field of study
BSc Chemistry and Physics
Cell phone number
Email address
16 April
About my portfolio
I am the chief executive of the association. I am there to help and ensure my committee carries out their portfolio’s duties. I am the link between the committee and the student council.
Name and Surname
Ellen-Mari van Rensburg
Field of study
BSc Quantitative Risk Management
Cell phone number
Email address
22 June
About my portfolio
It is my duty to help and support the chairperson and my committee members with their duties. I am the electing and co-ordinating executive for the sub-committee. I am also in charge of the disciplinary of the committee members.
Name and Surname
Bonginkosi Tekane
Administration and finances
Field of study
BSc Information Technology
Cell phone number
Email address
17 September
About my portfolios
I ensure that the Scientiae’s corporate identity is maintained and I take care of all administration duties Scientiae. I also in charge of the finances of Scientiae that are distributed and allocated in accordance with the University’s financial policy.
Name and Surname
Aldo van der Berg
Academics and post graduates
Field of study
BSc Mathematics with mathematical Science
Cell phone number
Email address
10 February
About my portfolio
I handle and try to solve all academic issues and problems. I also manage the complaint channel. I am the link between the students and the lecturers
Name and Surname
Tiaan Erasmus
First years and clothing and social
Field of study
BSc Computer Science and Physics
Cell phone number
Email address
23 April
About my portfolio
My portfolio consists of planning and executing the R&O program and provide you as first year with all the relevant information to help you get through your first year with ease. I am also in control of designing and distributing the clothes that you wear that represents all the different schools in Scientiae. I am incharge of planning events for students so that they can have fun while studying.
Name and Surname
Rorisang Seiso
Current affairs and archive
Field of study
BSc Physics and applied Mathematics
Cell phone number
Email address
9 August
About my portfolio
My portfolio identifies issues that are relevant to us as students as well as issues that have a direct impact on our student life, Current Affairs provides a platform to discuss these issues. We aim to promote Unity, Diversity, and Integration in the NWU among students
Name and Surname
Thato Marabe
Field of study
BSc Chemistry, Mathematics and applied mathematics
Cell phone number
Email address
27 November
About my portfolio
We as the SCRS of the ASA committee promotes awareness and sustainability among the students and community. The aim Provide needy students and the faculty assistance whether they are in financial or emotional distress. The SRCS plans actions and gatherings vet return to the community and those who are disadvantaged.
Name and Surname
Duane Piater
Marketing and recruitment
Field of study
BSc Chemistry and Physics
Cell phone number
Email address
17 July
About my portfolio
I am responsible for creating marketing material and I am in charge of all social media platform. I organize open day’s and recruit students to join the Scientiae family.
We are Scientiae, one of the Academic Student Councils under the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the Potchefstoom Campus of the NWU. We are a group of students who take to heart the academic and social needs of their fellow students and engage with management to try and satisfy these needs, in other words, we are the link between management/lecturers and their students. What we as an ASA want to achieve is creating an environment where you as the student feel safe, where you feel your voice is being heard! We offer inclusivity in Scientiae by using our communication channels to keep the students informed of the academics as well as the activities the University and Scientiae has to offer.
For you first years, we help to make your transition into a NWU student as easy and hassle-free as possible whilst showing you what your university experience can look like if you give it your all. For our Senior/returning students, we continue to do our best to ensure that we deliver on this promise every day.
Want to be a part of this promise? You can apply to be part of our annual sub-committee who is our right hand in helping with the execution of our plans for the future OR just simply like and follow our social media pages (@nwu_scientiae) or keep an eye on our efundi page to know where you can lend a helping hand. Our committee aims to bring students together. It can also be a platform for you to reach out to the community and help the people in need. We would love for you to be a part of our Scientiae family!
Scientiae R&O programme
Scientiae Committee Members
What we do