FNAS Senior Registration and Curriculum Control


Important Registration Information:

Senior students (academic second year and up) from the faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences are encouraged to register online.

All registrations, curriculum control and student requests will be able to be done by students themselves online.

Senior students must read through this information carefully before registering.  

Before you register

  1. Ensure that you are familiar with the registration process
  2. Ensure that your minimum fees have been paid or that you have made the necessary arrangements with the finance office.
  3. If you do not require further assistance, proceed to registration. If you require more assistance, continue following the instructions below.

Simple online registration

  • Students who do not require assistance to register can click here to register online.

Students who require assistance to register

  1. Students who require assistance via curriculum control can follow this process:


  1. Students who require further assistance with registration:

  1. Students who want to add/drop modules:

  1. Students who want to change course:


  1. Other student requests
  • ​Other student requests (e.g. registration for more than one course, registration at 2 different institutions) can be done by filling in the applicable forms.
  • Send these forms to your faculty administrators. 


NWU Bursaries and Study Fees