SAMS 2017 Abstract Template

60th Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society

20-22 November 2017, North West University, Potchefstroom


Abstract Template


Use the following template for your title and abstract:


\speaker{Jones, K}  %- this domain is for the speaker only and is nessesary for the
%					name of the speaker to appear in the index!!! The surnames/family
%                   names must be first.

\abstitle{Title of the abstract}

\name{J. Smith$^1$, \underline{K. Jones}$^1$, J. Doe$^2$} %- Names of all authors.
%                   The superscript indicates the affiliation. Speakers who wish to do
%                   so, may underline their names as in the example.

\adr{1~First address\\ 2~Second address}

Abstract text (in Latex notation). Most of the Latex commands
can be used here...