60th Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society
20-22 November 2017, North West University, Potchefstroom
Home Registration Abstract Submission Student Support Plenary Speakers Special Sessions Program Participants Travel Information Accommodation
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at are those of the author and are not necessarily to be attributed to the CoE-MaSS.
Welcome: From November 20 to 22 we hope to welcome you at the 60th annual congress of the South African Mathematical Society. Please use the buttons in the panel on the left to navigate to the various subpages.
Conference picture:

Plenary speakers:
- Sarah Bansilal (UKZN)
- Francois Engelbrecht (CSIR)
- Willem Fouché (UNISA)
- Sanne ter Horst (NWU)
- Sergey Shpectorov (University of Birmingham, UK)
Important dates:
- Early bird registration deadline: September 29
- Deadline special session proposals: September 20
- Abstract submission deadline: October 20
- Final deadline for registration: October 31
- Deadline for applications student support: October 31
Early bird registration fees:
- SAMS members: R1030 (only if 2017 fees paid)
- SAMS special members: R830 (student and emeritus members, with 2017 fees paid)
- Non SAMS members: R1240
Registration fees after September 29:
- SAMS members: R1240 (only if 2017 fees paid)
- SAMS special members: R990 (student and emeritus members, with 2017 fees paid)
- Non SAMS members: R1500
Contact: With any questions or comments, please contact the organizers by sending an e-mail to: SAMS2017@nwu.ac.za
Congress Venue: Potchefstroom campus, E8 building. See the travel information webpage for a campus map.
Local Organizing Committee:tee:
- Jan Fourie
- Sanne ter Horst
- Dawie Janse van Rensburg
- David Kubayi
- Louis Labuschagne