60th Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society
20-22 November 2017, North West University, Potchefstroom
Abstract Submission
In order to submit your title and abstract please fill out your personal information and either upload a tex-file with the title and abstract or paste the tex-code in the text field below. Please take note of the following:
Tex-template: All abstracts MUST be submitted in the required format by using the template that can be downloaded here. Failure to use the official template may lead to the exclusion of the abstract.
Special sessions: If you would like to speak in one of the special sessions, you must place your request for admission to the session with the organizers of that particular session. See the special sessions webpage for more details. In this case you may send your title and abstract to either the session organizers or submit them via the response form below (or both).
Student competition: Participation in the student competition is only open to bona fide students from South African universities that do not also hold a full-time lecturing position. A copy of the 2017 proof of registration (gif, jpg, png, pdf, max. 2MB) must be uploaded below! Also indicate below who your supervisor is. We plan to have a devoted session for the student competition. If you therefore present a paper in the student competition, you may not present the same paper in one of the special sessions.