
Undergraduate study: 3 year BSc (Baccalaureus Scientiae)

The study period of a BSc degree in Natural and Agricultural Sciences is 3 years full time, except for Urban and Regional planning which is a 4 year degree only offered full time. We offer comprehensive market related degrees, which combine subjects Geography, Geology and Planning.  Each curriculum is compiled according to our stringent quality standards to ensure that your study with us will meet international standards and expectations.  To read more about the curricula we offer, please refer to our yearbook or brochure.

Postgraduate study

Furthering your study: Completing an honours, MSc or PhD
The benefits of adding a fourth year of study to your degree, BSc (Hons) will enable you to further your study to an MSc and later a PhD. An honours also offers you the opportunity to choose a specialisation within your field of study and acquire an advanced understanding of integrated knowledge and application, as well as experience in various academic and transferable skills by means of coursework and a research project.  Completing an honours will allow you to register as a Professional Natural Scientist at the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions.

This school has produced some excellent students and has the added benefit of having experts included among its academics, including the School director who has been accepted as a member of ASSAF.  Please see our NWU Experts section.

Postgraduate studies and qualifications are administered by the following research units/centres associated with the school. A range of short courses furthering continuous education are also offered by these institutes. 

Unit for Environmental Science and Management
Centre for Environmental Management
Centre for Water Sciences and Management (Hydrology & Geohydrology)