Research Team



Eugene Berg

Eugene Bergh

Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management

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Eugene Bergh obtained his PhD degree in Geological Sciences in 2019 from the University of Cape Town. He has held a Senior Lecturer position at NWU since 2022 and previously served as subprogramme manager for ESSSOR and the subject chair of Geology-Soil Science. He previously lectured at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and was an Honorary Affiliate in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences at UCT from 2020 to 2022. His research focus is on sedimentary geology, particularly environmental, climate and oceanographic change through geologic history, as well as in modern settings. He has extensive research experience in projects along the southern African margin and currently collaborates with other researchers from South Africa, France, the UK and the USA. He lectures in topics covering geochemistry, environmental geology and geophysics. He previously supervised students from three universities and is currently supervising a team of postgraduate students in his PaMMEC Lab. His past postgraduate students have received employment in the mining, environmental and offshore geological industries. 


Thendo Netshidzivhe

Thendo Netshidzivhe

Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management

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Dr Netshidzivhe currently lectures igneous petrology, mineralogy and crystallography in the Geology Subject Group. She obtained her B.Sc. degree at Rhodes University and her M.Sc. at Stellenbosch University. She graduated with a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Johannesburg, specializing in komatites and volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits in Archean greenstone belts on the southeastern Kaapvaal craton. Her current research interests focus on magmatic and tectonic processes that influenced mineral deposit formation on the Kaapvaal craton.


Pieter van Zyl

Frank Neumann

Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management

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Prof Frank H. Neumann is a geologist and palaeontologist with > 20 years of experience in Research and Teaching. He  has a permanent position at North West University (South Africa) as Associate Professor and Subject Group Chair and is NRFC1-rated. His research focus is the palynological, and sedimentological analysis of Cenozoic profiles from Africa, Israel, and Europe to reconstruct palaeoenvironments. He also accompanies archaeological excavations as a geo- and bioarchaeologist, his current regional focus is to understand Pre-European agriculture and its impact on the landscape. He applies biostratigraphy, e.g., in Neogene strata of the Cape region. Realizing the necessity to apply palynology to applied fields of immediate benefit to local communities, he helped to introduce aerobiology to South Africa since 2019, analysed allergenic pollen and spores in Pretoria and Johannesburg and, since 2023, also in Potchefstroom as a member of SAPNET (South African Pollenmonitoring Network) where he collaborates extensively with colleagues in Public Health and Allergology.


Angelique Daniell

Angelique Daniell

Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management

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Ms Daniell holds an M.Sc. degree in Environmental Sciences from NWU and currently lectures in the Geology-Soil Sciences subject group. Currently, she is also continuing her studies for a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science (Plant Science Stream) through the University of South Africa. 
She has also been a part of the ongoing "Rock powders: Innovative Fertilizer for Farmers and Enhanced Weathering in South Africa” project in collaboration with Remineralize the Earth (USA), Future Forest Company (UK), University of Brasilia, and the University of Newcastle. This project aims to determine the efficacy of remineralization on farmer productivity, crop nutrient density, carbon sequestration, and overall soil health. An extensive analysis is undertaken to identify knowledge gaps of local farmers and formulate recommendations for future remineralization for consideration by local governments and national policy-making. Strategic protocol for demonstration farms and technology transfer will be developed for future large-scale projects. 

Academically and professionally, Ms Daniell is interested in soil science, environmental geology, agriculture, environmental rehabilitation, and chemistry. She relishes the fieldwork and research elements within each of these domains, as well as imparting the knowledge she has accumulated to students as a lecturer. In addition, she has been very privileged to broaden the inside of her fields of interest by participating and presenting at local and international conferences and contributing to academic journals.


Amogelang Moila

Amogelang Moila

Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management

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Ms. Amogelang Moila holds an M.Sc degree in Geology from the University of Johannesburg and is currently enrolled for a Ph.D in Geology at the University of the Witwatersrand. Her interests lie in the fields of structural geology, geo-metallurgy, and rock engineering. Her core competencies include surface mapping, underground mapping, metallurgical test work, strata control skills, geochronology and 3D modelling (Micromine, Microstation and Leapfrog). She lectures petrology and structural geology to the 2nd and 3rd year students, conducts field trips and supervises honors projects.


Jaco Koch

Jaco Koch

Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management

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Dr. Jaco Koch is a lecturer in Soil Science and Geology at the North West University, Potchefstroom Campus. He achieved his PhD at the North West University in 2021, with a thesis focused on accelerating pedogenetic processes in mine tailings to sustain direct vegetative covers establishment in five common South African tailings materials. He also completed a Masters degree at North West University based on uranium migration in gold mine tailings, after completing a BSc in environmental geology degree also from North West University. He is the author of several scientific publications and is currently a member of the Soil Classification Working Group, the custodian of the South African Soil Classification system in which he aided in the development of the anthrosols and technosol classification system.

SACNASP Registration number: 115509


Ricart Boneschans

Ricart Boneschans

School for Geo- and Spatial Sciences | Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management

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Mr. Ricart Boneschans is a lecturer and researcher at the North-West University’s Geology and Soil Science Department. He teaches mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, and petrography for 1st year to postgraduate students, and has been lecturing since 2015. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in environmental geology from the North-West University and is currently enrolled for a Ph.D. in Geology at the University of the Witwatersrand. His doctoral research focuses on investigating the igneous and metamorphic history of mafic and ultramafic intrusions contained in the Archean crust and supra-crustal sequences exposed within the Vredefort Dome Impact crater. His academic interests include Igneous petrology, applied mineralogy, soil science, and geobotany, with a specific focus on the study of ultramafic and mafic igneous systems, their impact on soil and plant ecosystems, and the beneficiation and practical utilization of mineral and rock-based resources.


Moteng Moseri

Moteng Moseri

School for Geo- and Spatial Sciences | Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management

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Ms Moteng Moseri is a Geology Lecturer in the Geology and Soil Sciences department and is a member of ESSSOR (Earth System Sciences, Soils and Resources). She holds a M.Sc in Geology (Palynology) and is currently completing a Ph.D in Environmental Sciences (Coal palynology). Her main research interests are coal palynology, palaeopalynology and palaeoecology. She is also a member of the South African Pollen Network (Potchefstroom team) where she analyses airborne pollen, spores, and fungi.