Other RECs


Other NWU Research Ethics Committees (RECs)



  1. North-West University Animal Production Research Ethics Committee (AnimProdREC) (Registered with the National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC)) handling all research ethics applications relating to animals and animal health from the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Chairperson: Prof Upenyu Marume

  2. Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science Research Ethics Committee (FNASREC) handling all research ethics applications relating to humans from the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. It also deals with all zero and low-risk studies that are not health related Chairperson: Prof Nomali Ngobese 

  3. North-West University Animal Research Ethics Committee (AnimCareREC)
    Ethics Committee on Animal Care, Health and Safety in Research (Registered with NHREC) handling all research ethics applications relating to research on animals from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Faculty of Natural Sciences. Administrative coordinator: Ms Christel van Eeden (http://health-sciences.nwu.ac.za/healthethics/about-us)

  4. Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (EMS-REC) handling all research ethics applications from the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Chairperson: Prof. Mark Rathbone; Committee administrative coordinator:  Ms Dalene Voster or 018 299 1529

  5. North-West University Human Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (HSSREC) (Registered with NHREC) managing all high risk research ethics applications from the Faculty of Humanities on the three campuses of the NWU (excluding applications from the School of Languages). Chairperson: Prof Erhabor Idemudia; Research Support Assistant: Mrs Amanda Koto or 018 299 4531 

  6. Basic and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (BaSSREC) managing all low, minimal and medium risk-level research ethics applications from the Faculty of Humanities on the three campuses of the NWU that involve non-health research with human participants in the Faculty of Humanities. Chairperson: Prof Erhabor Idemudia; Research Support Assistant: Mrs Amanda Koto or 018 299 4531 

  7. Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Education (EduREC) handling all research ethics applications from the Faculty of Education. Chairperson: Prof Jako Olivier; Committee administrative coordinator: Mrs Erna Greyling or 018 299 4656 

  8. North-West University Health Research Ethics Committee (HREC) (Registered with NHREC) handling all research ethics applications relating to research on humans and their health from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Faculty of Natural Sciences. Chairperson: Prof Petra Bester; Committee administrative coordinator: Mrs Carolien van Zyl (http://health-sciences.nwu.ac.za/healthethics/about-us)

  9. Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Law (Law-REC) handling all research ethics applications from the Faculty of Law. Chairperson: Mr Braam Klaasens, Committee administrative coordinator: Mrs Rieëtte Venter 

  10. Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Theology (T-REC) handling all research ethics applications from the Faculty of Theology. Chairperson: Prof Rudy Denton, Committee administrative coordinator: Tienie Buys 

  11. North-West University Education, Management and Economics Sciences, Law, Theology, Engineering and Natural Sciences Research Ethics Committee (NWU-EMELTEN-REC) (handling all research ethics applications involving non-health research with a medium to high risk level. Chairperson: Prof Lukas Meyer; Committee administrative coordinator:  Mrs Villera Le Roux or 018 299 4707 

  12. Engineering Research Ethics Committee (Eng-REC) handling all research ethics applications involving non-health research from the Faculty of Engineering. Chairperson: Prof Pieter Van Vuuren; Committee administrative coordinator: Mrs Bettie Handford 

  13. Ethics Committee for Language Matters (LM-REC) handling all ethics applications of studies within the broad field of humanistic disciplines that research human language use in social, political, institutional, cultural and historical environments and developmental contexts, that are of minimal risk and does not involve vulnerable groups, children and health or health related research related to languages. No risk studies that are text-based (including corpus work in the public domain and literature studies) are also handled at the ECLM. Chairperson: Professor Susan Coetzee-Van Rooy, Administrator: Ms Theresa Louw