

1. TRREE - Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation (recommended) 

TRREE aims to provide basic training, while building capacities, on the ethics of research involving humans so that research meets the highest standards of ethics and promotes the welfare of participants. TRREE achieves this goal primarily by developing a training programme with local collaborators. 
TRREE provides free-of-charge access to:

  • e-Learning: a distance learning program and certification on research ethics evaluation
  • e-Resources: a participatory website with international, regional, and national regulatory and policy resources


Complete the following four certificates at

  • Introduction to Research Ethics (Module 1)
  • Research Ethics Evaluation (Module 2)
  • Informed Consent (Module 3)
  • Regulatory framework of South Africa


Training certificates are valid for 3 Years.


2. NWU Integrated Research Integrity Management System (IRIMS) 

At the NWU the Integrated Research Integrity Management System (IRIMS) since 2022 guides all managers and researchers of the Faculties to ensure Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). The session gives an overview of important concepts that ground both research ethics and research integrity within the NWU IRIMS system, as well as provide an overview of the NWU IRIMS’s structures, processes, and procedures. The greater scientific community of an institution can only innovate and flourish when its members function together as a body that ensures a climate that promotes confidence and trust in its research practices and findings through fostering a climate of Responsible Conduct of Research and having clear guidelines on managing potential breaches in research integrity through transparent processes. The value and benefits of the mentioned research is vitally dependent on the research ethics practices applied during the conduct of research, as well as the integrity of the research practices followed at the institution. Research ethics is seen as a subset of research integrity but is often confused as being the same.

Active adherence to ethical principles, norms, and standards, as well as defined professional responsibilities are essential for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). 
Active adherence in this context means the adoption of these principles, norms, and standards, as well as responsibilities as a personal credo in all research practices and not simply accepting it as impositions by rule-makers. Adhering to these practices of research integrity allows the university to be at the cutting edge of research both nationally as well as Internationally.


This is a once-off training event.


3. Training opportunities advertised for the NWU community


Contact information:
Mr Kamogelo Sereo
NWU Research Support Assistant