

Our overarching aim is to conduct fundamental research regarding the foundational principles and paradigms of the Mathematical and Statistical sciences and their applications at an internationally competitive level to the advancement of scientific knowledge. To achieve this aim we strive to create a space conducive to research where the different branches of the mathematical sciences can exchange ideas in a holistic inclusive way. Such holism should includes the integration of different subdisciplines to achieve a fuller understanding of research problems, and be inclusive in the sense of extending to the broader South African mathematical sciences community and providing an accessible forum for the development of graduate students and emerging researchers. We also strive to be aware of and responsive to new developments in the mathematical sciences and concomitantly strategically expand our skill set so as to stay abreast of such trends. 

What makes us different?

Unique expertise in Applied Linear Algebra and Operator Control Theory; Quantum Field Topology; Quantum Function Spaces;  PDE’s and Dynamical systems; Measure, Probability and Stochastic Processes; Bootstrapping and other non-parametric techniques.


Why study the mathematical sciences? 
