Invited Talks

StatCon 2020 On-line Workshop

9 November, 2020 – 2 December, 2020


Invited talks


Cox Proportional Hazard Regression & Analysis Applied to Gas

Spatial Statistics in Public Health: Sampling for rabies vaccination coverage in Tanzania

Prof de Waal & Dr Coetzer

Dr Fabris-Rotelli, Ms Reynolds, Prof Stein & Dr Loots


On a new goodness-of-fit test for the Rayleigh distribution based on a conditional expectation characterization

Semi-parametric mixtures of generalised linear models

Dr Liebenberg, Prof Ngatchou-Wandji & Prof Allison

Dr Millard, Dr Kanfer & Prof Arashi


A physiologically based ICU scoring system

Stan (rstan) as an all-purpose modelling solution

Mr Pazi, Prof Sharp & Ms van der Merwe

Dr van der Merwe

Laplace transform and characteristic function based tests for exponentiality in the presence of random sampling

Ms Bothma, Prof Allison, Dr Cockeran & Dr Visagie