2020 – 2025
Herewith the announcement of The Global Horizon Scanning Project for Ichthyo Parasitology that aims to identify important future research questions regarding fish parasitology.
What is Horizon Scanning?
Horizon Scanning is widely used as a systematic process to gather information and analyse or prioritize it to identify emerging issues and develop potential opportunities. It is a technique for detecting early signs of potentially important developments through a systematic examination of potential threats and opportunities, with emphasis on new technology and its effects on the issue at hand. The method calls for determining what is constant, what changes, and what constantly changes. It explores novel and unexpected issues as well as persistent problems and trends, including matters at the margins of current thinking that challenge past assumptions.
The objective of the Global Horizon Scanning Project for Ichthyo Parasitology, is to establish the research priorities and provide it to the relevant scientific communities, as well as Research Funding organizations. It further provides a unique opportunity for scientists to directly inform long-range planning and identify future research needs in fish parasitology.
The methodology we are going to follow with this Horizon Scanning is :
- The submission of research questions via the link: https://natural-sciences.nwu.ac.za/uesm/horizon_scanning/fish_parasitology
- All questions received will be sorted as per area of research.
- During the next International Symposium of Fish Parasitology, the questions will be discussed during a separate workshop, where the questions will be condensed (where necessary) to establish various research questions with two or three statements.
- The final aim of the Horizon Scanning Project will be to publish the results in an accredited international journal.
Criteria for a good question
- Address important gaps in knowledge.
- Be answerable through a realistic research design.
- Have a factual answer that does not depend on value judgments.
- Cover a spatial and temporal scale that could realistically be addressed by a research team (10M € over 5 years).
- Not be answerable by “it all depends” or “yes” or “no”.
- If related to impact and interventions, should contain a subject, an intervention, and a measurable outcome.