Academic Staff

Aquatic Ecosystem Health

  Prof Carlos Bezuidenhout

  UESM Director
  +27 18 299 2315
  Building E4, Room G03, Potchefstroom
  PhD Microbiology
  Aquatic Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment, Water Sanitation, Health and Energy
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health 
Subject group: Microbiology
Research group: Aquatic Microbiology

  Prof Jonathan Taylor

  +27 18 299 1096
  Building E6, Room 132, Potchefstroom
  PhD Environmental Sciences
  Using Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality Impact; Diatom Taxonomy & Systematics; Curates the South African National Diatom Collection
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Subject group: Botany
Research group: Algae Research Group

  Prof Sanet Janse van Vuuren

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 2514
  Building E6, Room 134, Potchefstroom
  Taxonomy & Ecology of Algae (Phycology)
FNAS School: School of Biological Sciences
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Subject group: Botany
Research group: Algal Research Group

  Prof Sandra Barnard

  +27 18 299 2508
  Building E6, Room 136, Potchefstroom
  PhD Botany
  Water Quality, Aquatic Ecology & Ecosystems, Problem Algae, Water Purification, Molecular Ecology
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Subject group: Botany
Research group: Algal Research Group

  Prof Rialet Pieters

  +27 18 299 02379
  Building G23A, Room 230, Potchefstroom
  PhD Zoology
  Endocrine Disruption and Oxidative Stress from Environmental Samples using Cell Based Bioassays; Instrumental Chemical Analysis & Biological Effects
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Subject group: Zoology
Research group: Envitrox
Inaugural address: Research talk from 24:50 min

  Prof Victor Wepener

  +27 18 299 2385
  Building G23A, Room 212, Potchefstroom
  PhD Zoology
  Principal Investigator in the National Aquatic Bioassay Facility (NABF), Nanoecotoxicology; Expert in Ecological Risk Assessment.
Sub-programmes: Aquatic Ecosystem Health 
Subject group: Zoology
Research group: Water Research Group (social media: TwitterFacebook)

  Prof Jaco Bezuidenhout

  Associate Professor; Subject Chair: Microbiology
  +27 18 299 2311
  Building G23A, Room 318, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  Data analysis, Antimicrobials in water; Bioinformatics
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Subject group: Microbiology

  Prof Lobina Palamuleni

  +27 18 389 2027
  Building A12, Room 101, Mahikeng
  PhD Geography and Environmental Management
  Applied Remote Sensing and Water Resources Management
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health 

  Prof Nico Smit

  +27 18 299 2128
  Building G23A, Room 208, Potchefstroom
  Aquatic Ecology, Wildlife Parasitology
Sub-programmes: Aquatic Ecosystem Health 
Subject group: Zoology
Research group: Water Research Group (social media: TwitterFacebook)

  Dr Anatoliy Levanets

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 2520
  Building E6, Room G08, Potchefstroom
  Biodiversity, flora, taxonomy, biogeography of freshwater and terrestrial algae, desmids
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Subject group: Botany

   Prof Charlotte Mienie

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 2319
  Building G23A, Office 326, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  Molecular biology

  Prof Lesego Molale-Tom

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 2313
  Building G23A, Office 320, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  Molecular biology

  Dr Deidré Van Wyk

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2134
  Building A12-B, Room G02, Mahikeng
  PhD Environmental Sciences
  Molecular Microbiology with a Specific Focus on Next-generation Sequencing & Genomics
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Subject group: Microbiology

  Ms Nicole van Gessellen

  +27 18 389 2793
  Building A12, Room G06A, Mahikeng
  MSc Environmental Sciences
  Aquatic Ecosystem Health, with specific reference to Marine Ecotoxicology
Sub-programmes: Aquatic Ecosystem Health 
Research group: Persistent Organic Pollutants and Toxicants (POPT)

  Dr Mandla Dlamini

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 4991
  Building, A22 Room G06, Vanderbijlpark
  PhD, Geography and Environmental Studies
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health

  Ms Prudent Mokgokong

  +27 18 299 1544
  Building G23A, Room 324, Potchefstroom
  MSc Veterinary Tropical Diseases
  Sequencing, Genomics and Bioinformatics
Sub-programme: Aquatic Ecosystem Health 
Subject group: Microbiology

Biodiversity and Conservation Ecology

  Prof Louis du Preez

  +27 18 299 2372
  Building G23A, Room 228, Potchefstroom
  Amphibian Conservation & Amphibian Parasite Diversity
Subject group: Zoology

  Prof Courtney Cook

  Associate Professor
  Building G23A, Room 302, Potchefstroom
  PhD Zoology
  Blood Haemoparasites (e.g. Apicomplexans & Flagellates of Ectotherms, & Potential Vectors). Tick-borne Pathogens Infecting Reptiles.
Subject group: Zoology
Research group: Water Research Group (social media: TwitterFacebook)

  Prof Henk Bouwman

  +27 18 299 2377
  Building G23A, Room 231, Potchefstroom
  Ecotoxicology; Bird Ecology; Terrestrial, Aquatic, Marine and Space Biology
Subject group: Zoology
Research group: Persistent Organic Pollutants and Toxicants (POPT)

  Prof Kerry (Hadfield) Malherbe

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 4252
  Building G23A, Room 232, Potchefstroom
  PhD Zoology
  Aquatic parasitology, Predominately Parasitic Crustacea; Taxonomy
Subject group: Zoology
Research group: Water Research Group (social media: TwitterFacebook)

  Professor Ché Weldon

  +27 18 299 2375
  Building G23A, Room 216, Potchefstroom
  Conservation, ecology and diseases of amphibians
Subject group: Zoology

  Dr Madeleen Struwig

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2288
  Building A12, Room G10, Mahikeng
  Plant taxonomy; ethnobotany
Subject group: Botany

  Dr Kgaugelo Lekota

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 2381
  Building G23A, Room 322, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  PhD Veterinary Sciences
  Zoonotic Bacterial Pathogens in Livestock & Wildlife; Ecology & Transmission of Disease Outbreaks; Genetic Population Structure of Pathogens


  Dr Tshegofatso Sebitloane

  Junior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2186
  Building A12, Room G36, Mahikeng
  PhD (Environmental Science)
  Land Degradation & Restoration; Rehabilitation Ecology
Subject group: Botany
Research group: EcoRestore 

Climate Change, Air Quality and Impacts

  Prof Roelof Burger

  +27 18 299 4269
  Building D1, Room G15, Potchefstroom
  Atmospheric Science
Research group: Climatology Research Group

  Prof Stuart Piketh

  Director: School for Geo- and Spatial Sciences
  +27 18 299 1582
  Building E4, Room G36, Potchefstroom
  Atmospheric Research
Research group: Climatology Research Group

  Prof Sheldon Strydom

  Building A12, Mahikeng
  PhD Agrometeorology
  Climate trends and variability and associated impacts on various sectors (e.g., agricultural sector) and phenomena (e.g., wildfire activity).

  Dr Brigitte Language

  Senior Lecturer
  Building E4, Room G35, Potchefstroom
  Physical Geography; Geomorphology; Atmospheric Science; Air Pollution; Climate Change

FNAS School: School of Geo- and Spatial Sciences
Sub-programmes: Climate Change, Air Quality and Impacts
Subject group: Geography and Environmental Studies
Research group: Climatology Research Group (CRG)

  Dr Henno Havenga

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 285 4001
  Building E4, Room G55, Potchefstroom
  PhD Environmental Science
  Anthropogenic Impact on Storms; Ambient Air Pollution; Climatology; Remote Sensing; GIS
Research group: Climatology Research Group

   Dr Adeline Ngie

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 3551
  Building 8, Room 3, Vanderbijlpark
  PhD (EM - UJ), MSc (EM - UJ), BSc Hons. (Geo. – UJ), BSc (Env. Sci. – UB)
  GIS and Remote Sensing applications in Agric. Studies & Urban climates

   Ms Nisa Ayob

  +27 18 389 2812
  Building A12, Room 110, Mahikeng
  GIS, Severe Weather and Climatology

  Ms Ncobile Nkosi

  +27 60 771 9765
  Building A12, Room 112, Mahikeng
  MSc Environmental Sciences
  Air quality, Geomorphology, Water borne diseases, Climate change and science communication
Research group: Climatology Research Group

  Mr Danie Boshoff

  +27 16 910 3558
  Building A22, Vanderbijlpark
  MSc Geography
  Fire science and examining fire events from a geographical perspective.

Crop Production and Soil Management

  Prof Jacques Berner

  +27 18 299 2513
  Building E6, Room 133, Potchefstroom
  PhD Botany  
  Environmental Influence on Photosynthesis; Weed Physiology; New Crop Development.
Subject group: Botany

  Prof Nomali Ngobese

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 1587
  Building E4, Room G47, Potchefstroom
  PhD Bioresources Systems
  Agronomy: production of food crops and underutilized plants
Subject group: Agriculture

  Dr Zanele Mdodana

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4088
  Building E6, Room 132, Potchefstroom
  PhD (Plant Biotechnology)
  Biotechnology, Genomics, Proteomics, Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Carbohydrate Metabolism, Algae Blooms.
Subject group: Botany

  Dr Jerry Dlamini

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2790
  Building E4, room G122, Potchefstroom
  PhD Agronomy
  Agronomy, Greenhouse gas emissions from croplands, Carbon accounting, Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture
Subject group: Agriculture

   Dr Tshegofatso Dikobe

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2855
  Building A12, Room G25, Mahikeng
  PhD (Biotechnology)
   Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology, Genomics, Proteomics, Molecular Systematics

  Prof Gerhard du Preez

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 2723
  Building E4, Room G29, Potchefstroom
  PhD Environmental Sciences
  Nematology; Soil Ecology; Environmental Health; Climate-smart Agriculture, Sustainable Intensification of Food Production; Assessment and Restoration of Soil Ecosystem Health and Functioning in Small- and Large-Scale Farming Systems
Subject group: Agriculture

  Mr Tshepiso Seobi

  +27 18 299 4299
  Building E4, Room G22, Potchefstroom
  MSc (Environmental Soil Science)  
  Environmental Soil Science, Soil Biology, Agronomy, Land Use Planning
Subject group: Agriculture

  Dr Dimakatso Ramphisa

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1080
  Building E4, Room G56, Potchefstroom
  PhD Soil Science
  Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition

Disaster Risk Science

  Prof Dewald van Niekerk

  +27 18 299 1634
  Building D1, Room G09, Potchefstroom
  PhD Disaster Risk Reduction
  Disaster risk governance, resilience building, complexity and complexity theory, anticipatory governance, building institutional capacities for disaster risk reduction, and transdisciplinary disaster risk reduction
Sub-programmes: Disaster Risk Studies
Research group: Disaster Risk Science (social media: Twitter, Facebook)

  Prof Christo Coetzee

  +27 18 299 1630
  Building E4, Room 112, Potchefstroom
  PhD Development and Management (Disaster Risk Management)
  Disaster Risk Studies; Disaster Resilience; Disaster Risk Governance and Urban Disaster Risk
Sub-programme: Disaster Risk Studies

  Prof Livhuwani Nemakonde

  +27 18 299 1671
  Building E4, Room G49, Potchefstroom
  PhD Development and Management
  Disaster risk governance, climate change adaptation, systems thinking and building community resilience.
Sub-programme: Disaster Risk Studies
Research group: Disaster Risk Science

  Prof Leandri Kruger

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 1006
  Building E4, Room 122, Potchefstroom
  PhD Geography and Environmental Management
  Environmental Management; Disaster Risk Management.; Social dimension of Environmental Management and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), social resilience and Disaster Risk Assessment (DRA).
Sub-programme: Disaster Risk Studies
Research group: Disaster Risk Science

  Dr Delia Ah Goo

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 3457
  Building A22, Room G16, Vanderbijlpark
  PhD Geography
  Urban regeneration (gentrification and displacement), urban informality, sustainable livelihoods.
Sub-programme: Disaster Risk Studies
Research group: Disaster Risk Science

  Ms Kristel Fourie

  +27 18 299 1632
  Building E4, Room 123, Potchefstroom
  MA Development and Management (Disaster Studies)  
  Disaster Risk Reduction; Communicationn with experience in Community Participation and Engagement in Risk Reduction.
Sub-programme: Disaster Risk Studies

  Mr Gideon Wentink

  +27 18 299 1624
  Building E4, Room 117a, Potchefstroom
  MSc Development and Management
  Disaster Risk Generalist; Communication.
Sub-programmes: Disaster Risk Studies
Research group: Disaster Risk Science

  Dr Wayde Pandy

  +27 81 794 7359
  Geography Buidling, Room 209, Mahikeng
  PhD Tourism
  Human Geography; Local Economic Development; Tourism as a means of Job Creation; Climate Change Impacts on Business
Sub-programmes: Disaster Risk Studies
Research group: Disaster Risk Science (social media: TwitterFacebook)

  Ms Suna Meyer

  Junior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1620
  Building E4, Room 120, Potchefstroom
  BCom Hons Human Resource Management
  Disaster Risk Assessment and Preparedness and Response.
Sub-programme: Disaster Risk Studies
Subject group: Environmental Management
Research group: Disaster Risk Science

Ecological Interactions and Ecosystem Resilience

  Prof Frances Siebert

  +27 18 299 2374
  Building E6, Room G10, Potchefstroom
  PhD Botany
  Plant Ecology; Forbs Ecology (i.e. ‘Wildflowers’) in Tropical & Subtropical Grasslands & Savannas of Southern Africa; Patterns of Forb Diversity & Functional Responses
Subject group: Botany

  Prof Stefan Siebert

  +27 18 299 2507
  Building E6, Room 137, Potchefstroom
  PhD Botany
Subject group: Botany
Research group: GeoEco Lab

  Prof Mark Maboeta

  +27 18 299 2501
  Building G23A, Room 303, Potchefstroom
  Earthworm ecotoxicology; Soil ecotoxicology; Vermicomposting
Subject group: Zoology
Research group: Soil Ecology Ecotoxicology and Microbiology

  Prof Rasheed Adeleke

  +27 18 299 2495
  Building G23A, Room 310, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  Plant-Microbe Interactions; Food Production; Agricultural Microbiology; Soil Ecology
Subject group: Microbiology

  Prof Sarel Cilliers

  +27 18 299 2523
  Building E6, Room 304, Potchefstroom
  PhD Plant Ecology
  Small & Medium-sized Urban Areas; Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services; Urbanization & Socio-economic Gradients with Social, Cultural & Legacy Effects as Drivers; Community Gardens as Complex Social-ecological Systems
Research group: Urban Ecology

  Prof George van Zijl

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 2335
  Building E4, Room G41, Potchefstroom
  PhD Soil Science
  Pedometrics; Digital Soil Mapping Methods and Calibration Algorithms for Soil Spectroscopy
Research group: Pedometrics
Subject group: Agriculture

  Prof Pieter Malan

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 389 2019
  Building A12, Room G33, Mahikeng
  Restoration and rehabilitation ecology. Drylands where mismanagement led to bush encroachment.
Subject group: Botany

Environmental Management

  Dr Phathutshedzo Mukwevho

  +27 18 299 1581
  Building D1, Room 110, Potchefstroom
  PhD in Science with Geography and Environmental Management
   Environmental- and Air Quality Governance and Management

  Prof Wynand Malherbe

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 4252
  Building G23A, Room 224, Potchefstroom
  PhD Aquatic Health
  Aquatic Ecology in Southern Africa, Water Quality, Sediment, Macroinvertebrate- and Fish Communities
Subject group: Zoology
Research group: Water Research Group (social media: Twitter, Facebook)

  Prof Francois Retief

  +27 18 299 1585
  Building D1, Room 133, Potchefstroom
  PhD (University of Manchester)
  Effectiveness of Environmental Policy Instruments & Achieving Their Intended Outcomes.
Sub-programme: Environmental Management 
Subject group: Environmental Management 
Research group: Protected Areas Research Group

  Prof Claudine Roos

  +27 83 204 8703
  Building E4, Room G17, Potchefstroom
  PhD Environmental Sciences
  Environmental Management and Waste Management in Protected Areas


Sub-programme: Environmental Management
Research group: Protected Areas Research Group

  Prof Dirk Cilliers

  +27 18 299 1589
  Building D1, Room G14, Potchefstroom
  Environmental management; Conservation planning; Spatial analysis
Research group: Protected Areas Research Group (PARG)

  Prof Reece Alberts

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 2467
  Buidling D1, Room 107, Potchefstroom
  Bcom, LLb, LLM (Environmental Law), MEnv Management, PhD
  Protected areas, EIA, nature conservation, environmental law, environmental governance and environmental leadership.
Sub-programme: Environmental Management 
Research group: Protected Areas Research Group

  Mr Theunis Meyer

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1467/ +27 83 627 0637
  Building D1, Room 106, Potchefstroom
  M Environmental Management & MSc Agric (Pasture Science)
  Environmental Auditing, EIA, Environmental Law, Mine Closure & Rehabilitation, Plant-Animal Interactions.
Sub-programme: Environmental Management
Subject group: Environmental Management

  Mr Jurie Moolman

  +27 18 299 1588
  Building D1, Room 105, Potchefstroom
  MSc Environmental Sciences
  Environmental Management Systems & Water Governance
Sub-programme: Environmental Management
Subject group: Environmental Management

Earth Systems Sciences, Soils and Resources

  Dr Eugene Bergh

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1092
  Building E4, Room 115, Potchefstroom
  PhD Geology
  Marine Geology and Geochemistry, Stratigraphy, Environmental Micropalaeontology, Palaeoenvironments and Recent Environmental Change
Subject group: Geology

  Prof Frank Neumann

  +27 18 299 2528
  Building E4, Room 103, Potchefstroom
  PhD Geology
  Geology/Palaeontology, Specialised in Palaeoecology, Palynology and Aerobiology
Subject group: Geology

  Dr Jaco Koch

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 76 463 8952
  Building B8, Room G11, Potchefstroom
  PhD Environmental Sciences
  Environmental Soil Science and Mine Rehabilitation
Subject group: Geology

  Mr Ricart Boneschans

  +27 18 299 2526
  Building E4, Potchefstroom
  MSc Environmental Sciences
  Expertise in Mineralogy, Igneous petrology and Geobotany. Study of Rock-soil -plant interactions, and applied mineralogy for environmental remediation.
Subject group: Geology
Research group: GeoEco Lab

  Ms Thendo Netshidzivhe

  Lecturer & subprogram chair ESSSOR
  +27 83 735 8258
  Building E4, Office 105, Potchefstroom
  MSc Geology
  Archean Greenstone Belts, Komatiites, Geochemistry
Subject group: Geology

  Ms Angelique Daniell

  +27 18 299 1089
  Building E4, Room 108, Potchefstroom
  MSc Environmental Sciences
  Soil science, Soil rehabilitation, Soil chemistry and Geochemistry
Subject group: Geology

  Ms Amogelang Moila

  +27 84 681 2456
  Building E4, Room 117B, Potchefstroom
  MSc Geology (Structural, Geometallurgy and Rock engineering)
  Structural geology, Economic geology, Rock Engineering, Petrology, 3D geological modelling.
Subject group: Geology
Research group: Petrology and Economic Geology

  Miss Moteng Moseri

  Junior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1087
  Building E4, Room 106, Potchefstroom
  MSc Geology
  Application and Research of Palynology, Sedimentary Geology and Stratigraphy in the Reconstruction of Palaeoenvironments
Subject group: Geology

Integrated Pest Management

  Prof Johnnie van den Berg

  +27 18 299 2376
  Building E6, Room G07, Potchefstroom
  PhD Entomology
  Agricultural Entomology; Grain Cropping Systems; Arthropod Diversity; Non-target Organisms, Insect Resistance Management in Bt Crops.
Subject groupZoology

   Prof Hannalene du Plessis

  +27 18 293 3863
  Building E6, Eco-rehabilitation Laboratory, Potchefstroom
  Entomology and integrated pest management

  Prof Oriel Thekisoe

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 2521
  Building G23A, Room 220, Potchefstroom
  PhD Veterinary Sciences
  Veterinary Parasites & Zoonoses with Emphasis on Vectors and Vector-borne Diseases & Zoonotic Pathogens. Application of Molecular Techniques for Diagnosis, Characterization, Epidemiology & Control of Parasites & Pathogens of Zoonotic Importance.
Subject group: Zoology

Spatial Planning, Development and Implementation

  Prof Ernst Drewes

  +27 18 299 2543
  Building E4, Room G25, Potchefstroom
  PhD Urban & Regional Planning
  Regional Policy; Land Use Management; Regional Economics; Planning Law

   Dr Karen Puren

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 2545
  Building E4, room G28, Potchefstroom
  MURP (Masters in Urban and Regional Planning); B Arch Stud (Architecture)
   Urban design; qualitative research; community participation in planning; planning theory

  Ms Selna Cornelius

  +27 83 638 2078
  Building E4, Room G28, Potchefstroom
  MSc Urban and Regional Planning
  Participatory and community-based planning, Informal settlement development, co-production and insurgent planning

  Mr Jako Viviers

  +27 82 775 5293
  Building E4, Room G30, Potchefstroom
  MSc Urban and Regional Planning
  New Urbanism, Green Urbanism, New Ruralism, Multifunctionality, Rural Landscapes, Urban Design

  Dr Niké Jacobs

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4879
  Building E4, Room G27, Potchefstroom
  PhD Urban & Regional Planning
  Quality of Life, Community Engagement, Nature-based Solutions and Climate Change Adaptation