
Curriculum and Module list

Year Level 1: Semester 1

SBSS111- Planning and settlement history 
GEOG111- Introduction to physical geography
ECON112- Introduction to micro-economics
MTHS114- Applied calculus 1
STTN111- Descriptive statistics

Year Level 1: Semester 2

SBSS121- Introduction to planning
GEOG121- Introduction to human geography
ECON122- Introduction to macro-economics
ADLE122- Academical Literacy
STTN124- Practical Statistics


Year Level 2: Semester 1

SBES212- Layout planning
GEOG211- Physical geography
ECON211- Macro economics
WVNS211- Understanding the Natural World


Year Level 2: Semester 2

SBSS223- Urban design
SBRS221- Regional plans
SANL225- Urbanal Anthropology
ECON321- Economic Analysis
WVNS221- Understanding the Economic World


Year Level 3: Semester 1

SBES313- Infrastucture planning
SBRS313- Regional development theory
SBSS313- Planning for sustainable cities
GEOG311- GIS and remote sensing


Year Level 3: Semester 2

SBSS323- Planning theory
SBSS321- Transport planning and systems
SRSK323- Urban risk management
SECO321- Urban ecology for planners
ECON322 - Development Economics


Year Level 4: Semester 1

SGSS414- Research Methodogy for Geo- and Spatial Sciences
SBRS411- Regional analysis and application
SBSS412- Integrated housing development
SBSS414- Land use planning and development policy


Year level 4: Semester 2

SBSS424- Strategic and participatory planning
SSBP421- Planning practice

YEAR MODULE: SBSS472- Research project