Botany Publications

Publications of Botany staff for 2014-2015


1. Botha M, Siebert SJ, Van den Berg J, Maliba BG, Ellis S. 2015. Plant and arthropod diversity patterns of maize agro-ecosystems in two grassy biomes of South Africa. Biodiversity and Conservation 24(7): 1797-1824


2. Davoren E, Siebert SJ, Cilliers SS, Du Toit MJ. 2015. The influence of garden design on plant diversity patterns of five different cultural and socioeconomic groupings in northern South Africa. Landscape and Ecological Engineering doi: 10.1007/s11355-015-0279-x


3. Neilson S., Rajakaruna N. 2015. Phytoremediation of agricultural soils: Using plants to clean metal-contaminated arable land. In: A.A. Ansari, S. Singh Gill, R. Gill, G.R. Lanza, L. Newman (eds), Phytoremediation: Management of Environmental Contaminants, Volume 1. Springer, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-10394-5.


4. Struwig M, Siebert SJ, Condy G. 2015. Phaeoptilum spinosum. Flowering Plants of Africa 64: 84-88


5. Harris E, Siebert SJ, Smit K, Van den Berg J. 2014.  Translocation of an endangered succulent plant species from sandstone outcrops earmarked for coal mining. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 114(11): 905–912.


6. Otto, H.H. & Larsen, T.B. 2014. A new locality for Euchrysops osiris (Hopffer, 1855) in Sohar, Oman. Metamorphosis 25: 149-151.


7. JL Arnolds, CF Musil, AG Rebelo GHJ Krüger. 2014. Experimental climate warming enforces seed dormancy in South African Protaceae but seedling drought resilience exceeds summer drought periods. Physiological Ecology DOI 10.1007/s00442-014-3173-6


8. L. van der Walt, S.S. Cilliers, K. Kellner, M.J. Du Toit, D. Tongway. 2015. To what extent does urbanisation affect fragmented grassland functioning? Journal of Environmental Management (in press)


9.Barnard S; Van Ginkel CE; Coetzee LZ; Booyens S, 2014. Implementation of the rule based agent for Microcystis in Rietvlei Dam. WRC Research Report no 1962/1/13, ISBN no 978-1-4312-0554-7


10. Venter, A., A. Levanets, S. Siebert, and N. Rajakaruna. A preliminary survey of the diversity of soil algae and cyanoprokaryotes on mafic and ultramafic substrates in South Africa. Australian Journal of Botany 63: p 341-352


11.Boneschans RB, Coetzee MS, Siebert SJ. 2015. Does the Vredefort Dome harbor ultramafic adapted flora? a geobotanical investigation of the Koedoesfontein Complex, Vredefort Dome, South Africa. Australian Journal of Botany 63: 324–340.


12. Burgess J, Szlavecz K, Rajakaruna N, Lev S, Swan C. 2015. Vegetation dynamics and mesophication in response to conifer encroachment within an ultramafic system. Australian Journal of Botany 63: 292-307


13. Chathuranga PKD, Dharmasena SKAT, Rajakaruna N, Iqbal MCM. 2015. Growth and nickel uptake by serpentine and non-serpentine populations of Fimbristylis ovata (Cyperaceae) from Sri Lanka. Australian Journal of Botany 63:128-133


14. Gall JE, Boyd RS, Rajakaruna N. 2015. Transfer of heavy metals through terrestrial food webs: A review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187: 201–222.


15. Ghasemi R, Zare Chavoshi Z, Boyd RS, Rajakaruna N. 2015. Calcium:Magnesium ratio affects environmental stress sensitivity in the serpentine-endemic Alyssum inflatum (Brassicaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 63: 39-46


16. Herath I, Kumarathilaka P, Navaratne A, Rajakaruna N, Vithanage M. 2015. Immobilization and phytotoxicity reduction of heavy metals in serpentine soil using biochar. Journal of Soils and Sediments 15(1): 126–138.


17. Medeiros ID, Rajakaruna N, Alexander EB. 2015. Gabbro Soil-Plant Relations in the California Floristic Province. Madrono 62: 75–87.


18.Van Coller H, Siebert F. 2014. Herbaceous field biomass–species diversity relationships in nutrient hotspots of a semi-arid African riparian ecosystem. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 32(3): 213-223


19. Van der Ent A, Rajakaruna N, Boyd RS, Echevarria G, Repin R, Williams D. 2015. Global research on ultramafic (serpentine) ecosystems (8th International Conference on Serpentine Ecology in Sabah, Malaysia): a summary and synthesis. Australian Journal of Botany 63: 1–16.


20. Glen M, Nicholas A, Bester SP, Lamb J. 2015. The renaming of Asclepias xysmalobioides with Asclepias montevaga (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae). Phytotaxa 202 (3): 233–234.



21. Bester SP, De Paiva JAR.2015. The first records of Polygala westii (Polygalaceae) for South Africa (North-West Province) and a key to the southern African Polygala species in the Section Tetrasepalae. Phytotaxa 202 (3): 198–206.


22. Siebert F and Scogings. 2015. Browsing intensity of herbaceous forbs across a semi-arid savannah catenal sequence. South African Journal of Botany 100: 69-74


23. Burgess J, Szlavecz K, Rajakaruna N, Swan C. 2015. Ecotypic differentiation of mid-Atlantic Quercus species in response to ultramafic soils. Australian Journal of Botany 63: 308–323.


24. Seneviratne M, Seneviratne G, Madawala HMSP, Iqbal MCM, Rajakaruna N, Bandara T, Vithanage M. 2015. A preliminary study of the role of bacterial–fungal co-inoculation on heavy metal phytotoxicity in serpentine soil. Australian Journal of Botany 63: 261–268.


25. Bester SP, Burrows S. 2015. Vaccinium exul. Flowering Plants of Africa 64: 90–100.


26. Bester SP, Condy G. 2015. Ceropegia terebriformis. Flowering Plants of Africa 64: 108–117.


27. Tatenda Dalu, Jonathan C. Taylor, Nicole B. Richoux & P. William Froneman1. 2015. A re–examination of the type material of Entomoneis paludosa (W Smith) Reimer and its morphology and distribution in African waters. Fottea, Olomouc, 15(1): 11–25, DOI: 10.5507/fot.2015.002


28. Batni Alakananda, Balasubramanian Karthick, Jonathan C. Taylor and Paul B. Hamilton. 2015. Two new species of Nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) from freshwater environs of Lonar Crater Lake, India. Phycological Research 2015; 63: 29–36


29. Juanee Cilliers & Sarel Cilliers. 2015. From green to gold: A South African example of valuing urban green spaces in some residential areas in Potchefstroom. SSB/TRP/MDM 2015 (67)


30. Richard V. Pouyat, Ian D. Yesilonis, Miklós Dombos, Katalin Szlavecz, Heikki Setälä, Sarel Cilliers, Erzsébet Hornung, D. Johan Kotze, and Stephanie Yarwood. 2015. A Global Comparison of Surface Soil Characteristics Across Five Cities: A Test of the Urban Ecosystem Convergence Hypothesis.Soil Science (in press)


31 Christine COCQUYT & Jonathan C. TAYLOR. 2015. New and interesting Surirella taxa (Surirellaceae, Bacillariophyta) from the Congo Basin (DR Congo). European Journal of Taxonomy 133: 1–15 ISSN 2118-9773